Representative Publications (2018 - Present)
For all publications/presentations, please visit her CV.
Italicized names are current or former Ph.D. advisees.
Chawla, N., & Gabriel, A. S. (In press). From crude jokes to diminutive terms: Exploring experiences of hostile and benevolent sexism during job search. Personnel Psychology.
Gabriel, A. S., Chawla, N., Rosen, C. C., Lee, Y. E., Koopman, J., & Wong, E. M. (In press). Who speaks up when harassment is in the air? A within-person examination of ambient harassment and voice behavior at work. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Gabriel, A. S., Ladge, J. J., Little, L. M., MacGowan, R. L., & Stillwell, E. E. (In press). Sensemaking through the storm: How postpartum depression shapes personal work-family narratives. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Gabriel, A. S., Allen, T. D., Devers, C. E., Eby, L. T., Gilson, L. L., Hebl, M., Kehoe, R. R., King, E. B., Ladge, J. J., Little, L. M., Ou, A. Y., Schleicher, D. J., Shockley, K. M., Klotz, A. C., & Rosen, C. C. (2023). A call to action: Taking the untenable out of women professors’ pregnancy, postpartum, and caregiving demands. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice (Focal Article), 16, 187-210.
Gabriel, A. S., Diefendorff, J. M., & Grandey, A. A. (2023). The acceleration of emotional labor research: Navigating the past and steering toward the future. Personnel Psychology, 76, 511-545.
Ganster, M. L., Gabriel, A. S., Rosen, C. C., Simon, L. S., Butts, M. M., & Boswell, W. R. (2023). Retreating or repairing? Examining the alternate linkages between daily partner-instigated incivility at home and helping at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108, 836-849.
Gabriel, A. S., Arena Jr., D. F., Calderwood, C., Campbell, J. T., Chawla, N., Corwin, E. S., Ezerins, M. E., Jones, K. P., Klotz, A. C., Larson, J. D. , Leigh, A., MacGowan, R. L., Moran, C. M., Nag, D., Rogers, K. M., Rosen, C. C., Sawyer, K. B., Shockley, K. M., Simon, L. S., & Zipay, K. P. (2022). Building thriving workforces from the top down: A call and research agenda for human resource management to proactively support employee well-being. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 40, 205-272.
Gabriel, A. S., Butts, M. M., Chawla, N., da Motta Veiga, S. P., Turban, D. B., & Green, J. D. (2022). Feeling positive, negative, or both? Examining the self-regulatory benefits of emotional ambivalence. Organization Science, 33, 2085-2540.
MacGowan, R. L., Gabriel, A. S., da Motta Veiga, S. P., & Chawla, N. (2022). Does psychological detachment benefit job seekers? A two study weekly investigation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107, 2319-2333.
Calderwood, C., Gabriel, A. S., ten Brummelhuis, L. L., Rosen, C. C., & Rost, E. (2021). Understanding the relationship between workday physical activity and work-life balance: A within-person approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 1239-1249.
Gabriel, A. S., Lanaj, K., & Jennings, R. E. (2021). Is one the loneliest number? The adaptive and maladaptive consequences of leader loneliness at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 1517-1538.
Gabriel, A. S., MacGowan, R. L., Ganster, M. L., & Slaughter, J. E. (2021). The influence of COVID-induced job search anxiety and conspiracy beliefs on job search effort: A within-person investigation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 657-673.
Methot, J. R., Rosado-Solomon, E. H., Downes, P. E., & Gabriel, A. S. (2021). Office chit-chat as a social ritual: The restorative yet distracting effects of daily small talk at work. Academy of Management Journal, 64, 1445-1471.
Rosen, C. C., Gabriel, A. S., Lee, H. W., Koopman, J., & Johnson, R. E. (2021). When lending an ear turns into mistreatment: An episodic examination of leader mistreatment in response to receipt of venting at work. Personnel Psychology, 74, 175-195.
Shockley, K. M., Gabriel, A. S., Robertson, D., Rosen, C. C., Chawla, N., Ganster, M. L., & Ezerins, M. E. (2021). The fatiguing effects of camera use in virtual meetings: A within-person field experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 1137-1155.
Chawla, N., MacGowan, R. L., Gabriel, A. S., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2020). Unplugging or staying connected? Examining the nature, antecedents, and consequences of profiles of daily recovery experiences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105, 19-39.
Gabriel, A. S., Koopman, J., Rosen, C. C., Arnold, J. D., & Hochwarter, W. A. (2020). Are coworkers getting into the act? An examination of emotion regulation in coworker exchanges. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105, 907-929.
Gabriel, A. S., Volpone, S. D., MacGowan, R. L., Butts, M. M., & Moran, C. M. (2020). When work and family blend together: Examining the daily experiences of breastfeeding mothers at work. Academy of Management Journal, 63, 1337-1369.
Grandey, A. A., Gabriel, A. S., & King, E. B. (2020). Tackling taboo topics: A review of the Three Ms in working women’s lives. Journal of Management (Annual Review), 46, 7-35.
Gabriel, A. S., Podsakoff, N. P., Beal, D. J., Scott, B. A., Sonnentag, S., Trougakos, J. P., & Butts, M. M. (2019). Experience sampling methods: A discussion of critical trends and considerations for scholarly advancement. Organizational Research Methods, 22, 969-1006.
Gabriel, A. S., Butts, M. M., Yuan, Z., Rosen, R. L., & Sliter, M. T. (2018). Further understanding incivility in the workplace: The effects of gender, agency, and communion. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103, 362-382.
Gabriel, A. S., Campbell, J. T., Djurdjevic, E., Johnson, R. E., & Rosen, C. C. (2018). Fuzzy profiles: Comparing and contrasting latent profile analysis and fuzzy set analysis for person-centered research. Organizational Research Methods (Special Issue on Person-Centered Methodologies in the Organizational Sciences), 21, 877-904.
Gabriel, A. S., Koopman, J., Rosen, C. C., & Johnson, R. E. (2018). Helping others or helping oneself? An episodic examination of the behavioral consequences of helping at work. Personnel Psychology, 71, 85-107.
McClelland, L. E., Gabriel, A. S., & DePuccio, M. J. (2018). Compassion practices, nurse well-being, and ambulatory patient experience ratings. Medical Care, 56, 4-10.